Ear Surgery/ Otoplasty in Jumeirah, Dubai

While the shape of the ear has nothing to do with hearing, prominent ears could be a constant source of teasing, especially at a young age. Children choose to have them corrected to avoid the remarks. Ideally the surgery should be performed before the child enters a new community (school group) to prevent embarrassment. Girls could cover their ears with their longer hair, so they typically wait a while, but most of the boys choose to have the operation at a young age. Otoplasty or ear plastic surgery could correct the asymmetry between the ears, and some developmental anomalies, too.


Before The Ear Surgery/ Otoplasty Procedure

In the case of children, it is really important that the child himself would initiate the consultation prior to the ear plastic surgery. If the position of the ears bothers only the parent(s), the child would not cooperate and instead of the result, She would only think of the pain and discomfort. Our surgeon will listen carefully to your wishes and examines the ears. Taking into account your expectations, the cartilage structure, and soft tissue coverage of your ears, She makes a custom made plan for you. Do not hesitate to ask all your questions during the consultation! The surgeon will also check for certain medical conditions that could limit the extension of the ear plastic surgery (such as uncontrolled high blood pressure, blood clotting problems) because your safety is very important for us.

You can also visit the anesthesiologist at our clinic in Dubai, who would give information about the anesthesia during the procedure and the pain management after the surgery.

During The Ear Surgery/ Otoplasty Procedure

Most ear corrections are performed under local anesthesia, but sometimes when the patient insists, local anesthesia with sedation can be used during the ear plastic surgery.

In most of cases, the incision is made on the back of the ear, where the resulting scar is invisible. The surgeon removes the unwanted piece of cartilage, remodels the rest, and fixes it in the desired position. Once both sides are complete, the surgeon checks the symmetry and closes the wound.

At the end of the ear surgery, you will get a tight compression bandage to prevent swelling and bleeding and hold the ears in their new position.

After The Ear Surgery/ Otoplasty Procedure

Having pain after the ear surgery is normal, especially in the first two days, although it can be lessened with the pain medication prescribed by our surgeon or the attending anesthetist. The tight compression bandage causes more discomfort than the pain itself, but it must be kept on.

  • Two days – the tight compression is replaced with an elastic band – this would fix the desired position in the coming weeks – this should be kept on day and night, only to be removed while having a shower. Return to normal office work (or school) is possible with the band on.
  • Ten days to two weeks – return to work. Stitches are removed if not absorbable.
  • Six weeks – return to all normal activities – fight sports and ball games should be avoided. The ears could be sensitive for several weeks
  • One year or more – your ears will have settled into their final appearance, scars are not visible.

Duration of Results: Permanent

Your recovery experience, risks, and possible complications;

  • Temporary swelling, bruising
  • Post-operative bleeding that normally doesn’t require surgery.
  • Infection – chance is only theoretical
  • Unexpected aesthetic result requiring additional surgery

Ear plastic surgery at SHAMMA Clinic, Dubai, can help you achieve the desired shape for your ears. For more information on ear surgery/ otoplasty in Jumeirah, Dubai, contact our highly trained surgeons at SHAMMA Clinic today. Visit our clinic in Dubai or book an appointment now!

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