Male Breast Reduction/ Gynecomastia Treatment in Jumeirah, Dubai
Male breast enlargement is a normal occurrence around the time of puberty. The slight enlargement of the firm kernel of breast tissue that is present directly under the nipple and areola (the dark skin around the nipple) generally only lasts one to two years and disappears into the mid to late teens. If it doesn’t disappear, or if male breast enlargement occurs at other times during life, it should be investigated by a physician to make sure there is no male breast cancer, testicular or other cancer, hormonal imbalance or other underlying illness. Some medications can have the same effect, and it can occur with anabolic steroid use. Enlarged male breasts can make a man feel extremely self-conscious.
The procedure for male breast reduction or gynecomastia treatment may require the removal of just glandular tissue, or may require removal of breast glandular tissue and surrounding fat, and sometimes even glandular tissue, surrounding fat and loose skin. The goal of male breast reduction is to give the man a normal-looking male chest, without the feminine appearance of breasts, chest skin sagging or unusual positioning of the areolae.
Before The Male Breast Reduction/ Gynecomastia Procedure
It’s important to discuss your expectations frankly with our surgeon and to listen to his or her opinion with regards to the gynecomastia treatment. The surgeon will examine and measure your chest and will probably photograph them for reference during surgery and afterward. They will discuss the variables that may affect the procedure such as your age, the size, and shape of your chest, whether or not you need a simple glandular excision or additional surrounding liposuction or skin excision. Normally, incisions and scars are minimal and hidden in the areolar skin. If excess skin excision is required during the gynecomastia treatment, more scarring and possibly visible scarring may be required.
Our surgeon may require you to have an evaluation by an endocrinologist (hormone specialist) prior to any surgery, to rule out any medical causes of the enlargement that might allow the breasts to be treated by medicine alone, without breast reduction surgery.
During The Male Breast Reduction/ Gynecomastia Procedure
Male breast reduction is nearly always performed under general anesthesia. You’ll be asleep through the entire operation.
Techniques vary, but the most common procedure involves a small incision along the edge of the areola. If liposuction is also needed, a tiny, separate incision may be required to adequately suction the fatty part of the tissue. Extra scars on the lighter skin of the chest are rarely needed but may be used if excess sagging skin needs to be tightened.
Stitches are usually located around the areola and tend to heal quite well. And occasionally, when only fat needs to be removed, liposuction alone can be used to reduce breast size, leaving even fewer scars.
After The Male Breast Reduction/ Gynecomastia Procedure
After the male breast reduction surgery, you’ll be wrapped in an elastic bandage or a surgical vest over gauze dressings. A small tube may be placed in each breast to drain-off blood and fluids for the first day or two.
- Two to three days – you may feel some pain, especially when you move around or cough, and some discomfort for a week or more. Your surgeon will prescribe medication to lessen the pain. The bandages and drains will be removed
- One to three weeks – your stitches will be removed
- Two to six weeks – you will need to wear a surgical wrap until the swelling and bruising subside and to produce a smooth contour to the chest. You can resume lifting and pushing, but consult with your surgeon if you intend to lift weights
- Six weeks – the loss of feeling in your nipples and chest skin, caused by the swelling after surgery should have faded. In some patients, however, it may last a year or more
- For a few months – you may experience random, shooting pains.