Vaginal Vault Prolapse

Vaginal Vault Prolapse & Cystocele Treatment in Jumeirah, Dubai

An anterior prolapse can happen if you’ve had your uterus taken out (hysterectomy). There are two types of prolapses that can occur in the front side of your vagina, and they’re the most common kinds of pelvic organ prolapse. They are: Bladder. This is also called a “cystocele.” It happens when your bladder drops down into your vagina. A cystocele can be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on how far your bladder drops. The vaginal wall bulges due to the weakening of the thin tissue wall separating the rectum to the vagina is referred to as vaginal vault prolapse. When it occurs posteriorly it is referred to as a rectocele. An example of an issue that can bring the prolapse is giving birth. A minor prolapse does not require surgery.

Signs and Symptoms

Vaginal vault prolapse can be depicted in one or more of the following ways:

  • A bulge in the vaginal tissue creating a protrusion
  • Difficulty in passing bowels
  • Rectal fullness or pressure
  • Rectum feels full even after emptying a bowel
  • A loose vaginal tissue during sexual intercourse

Book an appointment with a doctor if you observe any of the above signs and symptoms to seek an immediate treatment for vaginal vault prolapse at SHAMMA Clinic Dubai.

Causes of Vaginal Vault Prolapse

The prolapse is due to increased pressure in the pelvic floor pressure include:

  • Constipation that is chronic
  • Bowel movements that are strained
  • Heavy lifting
  • Being obese or overweight

 Pregnancy and childbirth: ligaments, muscles and connective tissue that offer vaginal support are weakened and stretched during pregnancy.

What You Can Do

To treat vaginal vault prolapse what you should do is:

  • Kegel exercise should be done regularly to strengthen the pelvic muscles.
  • Prevention of constipation by taking high fiber foods.
  • Treating constipation earlier to reduce the chances of getting hurt.
  • Reduce heavy lifting
  • Lift heavy goods properly
  • Treat cough since it increases the pressure in the rectum
  • Avoid weight gain and be active to reduce weight

What We Can Do

The vaginal vault prolapse treatment at our clinic in Dubai includes:

  • Pelvic examination to determine the extent of the prolapse
  • An X-ray and an MRI to see the extent of tissue bulge
  • Defecography to determine the effectiveness of the rectum
  • Treatment is based on the extent of the prolapse: simple prolapse needs conservative management of Kegel exercises and self-care measures.
  • Pessary insertion to support the protruding tissues.
  • Surgical repair of the prolapse

 To know more about the various vaginal vault prolapse & cystocele repair treatment options available, contact our experienced gynecologist at SHAMMA Clinic in Jumeirah today.

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