How Does the Coronavirus Spread?

Experts believe that the virus most commonly spreads from person to person. The infectious coronavirus is spread easily between people through indirect, and direct ways via nose and mouth secretions. These secretions include saliva, respiratory secretions, and secretion droplets. When an infected person coughs, sneezes, or speaks, these secretions are released from the nose and mouth. If you are in close contact with an infected person (within less than 6 feet of distance) you can catch the virus if these infectious droplets get into your mouth, eyes, or nose. It most often spreads through people who have corona symptoms, but it is possible to spread the virus without showing any signs. Some people may not know they are infected and can spread it to others and can pass it on before noticing any signs and symptoms. Other ways to catch the virus are through airborne transmission and surface transmission. The virus can live on surfaces up to 2-3 days and can live in the air for up to three hours.
Are Children Affected by COVID-19 in the Same Way as Adults?
In general, COVID-19 symptoms are milder in children than in adults. Some children may not show symptoms at all, however, serious illness in children who have contracted the virus is possible. Parents should be aware that children can be infected with the virus and can transmit it as well. Parents must stay alert if their child is diagnosed with or showing signs and symptoms of COVID-19. The symptoms listed below apply to babies, children, and adults. Contact a pediatrician if your baby or child is experiencing any of these symptoms. Seek immediate medical care at any time if you experience trouble breathing, any concerning symptom, or if you feel you are taking a turn for the worse.
• Congestion and runny nose
• New fatigue
• New loss of taste or smell
• Nausea or vomiting
• Cough
• Sore throat
• Fever or chills
• Diarrhea
• Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
• Body or muscle aches

Does the coronavirus affect children? Children and adults should follow the same guidance on self-quarantine and self-isolation if there is a risk they have been exposed to, or are showing any of the symptoms above. It is especially important that children avoid contact with older people and others who are at risk of more severe disease.
Is there a Cure?
As of today, there is no cure. The virus that causes COVID-19 is in the family of viruses called Coronaviridae. Antibiotics do not work against viruses, but some people who become ill with corona may also develop bacterial infections as complications. In this case, antibiotics may be prescribed by their health care provider. There are currently no licensed medications that cure COVID-19. Treatments are currently under investigation and will be tested through clinical trials. In the meantime, if you are feeling sick, it is important to rest, drink a lot of fluid, and eat foods high in nutrients. If you are not living alone, staying in a separate room from your roommates or family members is key. Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces will help to prevent the spread of the virus. Keeping a healthy lifestyle at home means maintaining a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, staying active, and resisting social gatherings and rather meeting with loved ones over the phone or over the internet. Coronavirus can take a toll on some people, so if you are feeling depressed, stressed, or overwhelmed, talk to a health worker or counselor.
Protecting Yourself and Others

How dangerous is the coronavirus? Everyone should be washing their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after being in a public area or after coughing, sneezing, or blowing the nose. Avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands is key. If you find yourself in a situation where soap is not available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. It is important to remember that you could still spread the coronavirus to others even if you do not feel sick, therefore, cover your nose and mouth with a mask when you are around others. It is essential to keep about 6 feet between yourself and others, as a mask does not replace social distancing. You can also monitor your health daily by checking your temperature and being aware of the symptoms of coronavirus.
Are You Wearing Your Mask Properly?
• Before touching the mask ensure your hands are washed with soap or hand sanitizer
• Inspect the mask for holes and tares prior to wearing
• Ensure the metal strip is on the top part, covering the nose
• Place the mask on your face and pinch the metal strip, securing it on the nose
• Pull down the mask so it is covering your chin
• Ensure you do not touch the mask while you are wearing it
• After use, remove the mask by the ear loops and place it in the trash while keeping it away from your face and clothing
• Avoid touching the potentially contaminated surface of the mask
• Close the bin after disposing of the mask immediately and do not re-use the mask.
• Wash your hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer after removing and disposing of the mask