How to make your hands look younger – Dubai, United Arab Emirates

How to make your hands look younger – Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Before (left-side), After (right-side) Bulging, protruding veins on the hands are a source of embarrassment to many women who often complain that these ropy and pronounced veins make them look older than they really...

Varicose Veins of the Labia
Varicose Veins of the Labia Also referred to as varicose veins of the vagina, vulva, "privates" or female genitalia, varicose veins sometimes occur on the labia major, labia minor and in the vagina. Usually they appea...

Do you suffer from dark circles under your eyes? Is there a cure?
Do you suffer from dark circles under your eyes? Is there a cure? Dark circles under your eyes is referred to as ‘cernes’ (circles) in French, ‘sawad’ in Arabic (darkness), and ‘raccoon eyes’ in English. ...

4 rarely asked questions about spider veins
In the words of Albert Einstein,"The important thing is not to stop questioning." As a practicing Vascular Surgeon with 31 years of experience in management of varicose veins and spider veins, I find myself consta...

Most common myth among patients seeking treatment in varicose veins
As a Vascular Surgeon with an active varicose vein practice I meet many patients seeking treatment for varicose veins and spider veins (aka thread veins or telangiectasia). Most are misinformed about the role of LASER th...

7 must know things about Varicose Veins
By being active you can avoid having varicose veins. Jogging, cycling is a good form of exercise for patients that suffer from spider or varicose veins. When the calf muscle is continuously pumping blood out of the veins...

What problems occur because of Varicose Veins?
What problems occur because of Varicose Veins? – Dr. Asad R. Shamma, American Board Certified plastic surgeon explains the different problems occurring because of Varicose veins. We can look at these facts and break t...