Advances in breast implant technology

Advances in breast implant technology –Dr. Shim Ching is a Double-Board Certified American Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon.
The first silicone breast implants have appeared more than 50 years ago. After several unsuccessful attempts to enlarge the breasts with different materials, silicone proved to be the best alternative.
In the early models the filling was liquid silicone, a thick honey-like fluid, which gave a natural consistency, but in case of a shell rupture, the silicone particles leaked out of the breast tissue, causing chronic inflammation. To prevent this complication, the manufacturers developed a safer composition – the silicone molecules are ’cross-linked’, none of them could move freely. This makes the filling material a gel-like substance, the so called ’cohesive’ gel is a bit firmer than the liquid silicone, but still close to the natural breast tissue. In the newest high tech implants two different kinds of silicone gel is used to provide the most natural consistency while maintaining the form-stability.
The shape of the implant was a simple round bag in the first implants, the liquid silicone did not make anything else possible. As the cohesive gel filling kept the preformed shape, it was possible to give a more natural form to the breast implants. Nowadays surgeons and could choose from hundreds of differents implants – this makes the decision almost custom-made for their patients. The ’tear drop’ or ’anatomical’ form gives a natural appearance, more pronounced lower pole fullnes.
One of the most common complications after a breast enlargement surgery is the implant shell rupture. The recent developments in the manufacturing could decrease the risk significantly. The multilayer reinforced shell prevents the ’gel-bleeding’, the migration of the silicone fragments through the intact shell.
Like every foreign material, the breast implants are encapsulated by the human body. This fibrous tissue, the capsule (like every scar) could shrink. This phenomenon, called the capsular contracture is the most common long term complication. With the shrinking capsule, the room for the implant becomes smaller, in advanced cases it could distort the shape and cause discomfort and pain. To address the high risk of the capsular contarcture associated with the smooth outer surface of the first generation breast implants the manufacturers developed a new type of coating. The rough, textured surface decreases this chance, while using a special polyurethane coating the risk of this complication is almost completely eliminated.
Most of the manufacturers give a lifetime warranty on their products – these materials are now available in the United Arab Emirates, too. Always ask your plastic surgeon about the best possible choice.