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Laser Hair Bleaching in Jumeirah, Dubai

Non-permanent laser hair removal or laser hair bleaching, It is well-known that the fine hair (also known as baby hair) cannot be removed permanently by laser hair removal and sometimes though rear the opposite occurs, this fine hair is transformed to thick coarse hair due to thermal effects of laser hair removal.

With RevLite we are able to offer our  patients non-permanent laser hair removal or laser hair bleaching of fine hair using Q-Switched ND: YAG Laser targeting the melanin of fine hair shaft and bleaching it thus making it invisible and it will fall after 10-15 days without any risk of hair growth stimulation.

After 6-8 weeks the fine hair will reappear but with the same texture and quality. Some of our patients got a noticeable reduction in hair after a few sessions, but that cannot be guaranteed for all patients.

The patient can undergo a full body laser hair removal or facial hair bleaching based on his or her requirement.

How does full body laser hair removal or facial laser hair bleaching work?

This laser is able to treat fine hairs that cannot be targeted by other lasers. It targets the melanin in the hair shaft and bleaches it, thus making it invisible.

What body areas could undergo the laser hair bleaching treatment?

There is no specific area. It is very safe and effective that the patients could do a full body laser hair removal and face hair bleaching if they want except the eye area.

How many sessions and what are the interval between the sessions?

The patients could do many sessions as they desired with 4-6 weeks interval between the sessions depending on whether the patient is looking for a full body laser hair removal or facial hair bleaching.

What does the laser hair bleaching procedure feel like?

The laser hair bleaching treatment is superficial and not painful. During the full body laser hair removal and face hair bleaching, patients report a slight tingling sensation- however a topical anesthetic can be applied if requested.

Are there any special recommendations after the laser hair bleaching treatment?

We advise antibiotic cream like fucidin on the treated area twice daily for two days. And the treated sun exposure areas should be protected.

Book a consultation with our specialist or visit our clinic in Jumeirah, Dubai to know more about the full body laser hair removal & laser hair bleaching treatment options we provide.

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+971 4 349 8800


St. 10c • Villa 41
Jumeirah 1
Behind Jumeirah Plaza Dubai, UAE

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