Chemical Face Peel in Jumeirah, Dubai

Chemical peels use an acidic solution to improve and smooth the texture of the facial skin by removing its damaged outer layers. It is helpful for those individuals with facial blemishes, acne, wrinkles and uneven skin pigmentation.

Peels are grouped into many categories based on the type (and strength) of acid used such as sensi peel, pca peel, obagi blue peel, chemical face peel. Some are used simply to give the skin a brightened and fresh look and do not actually cause peeling. Others cause peeling for just a day, while still others cause peeling for a few days to a week. Often these peels are added to a facial for enhanced results.

Before The Chemical Face Peel Procedure

During your initial consultation, it is important that you discuss your expectations with your surgeon. The planned procedure will be explained in detail, including its risks and benefits, the recovery period and the costs for the entire chemical peel procedure. If you have a history of cold sores, a form of herpes, inform your surgeon prior to the procedure.

Sometimes Retin A – a prescription medication derived from Vitamin A – is used to pre-treat the skin. This thins out the skin’s dead surface layer, allowing the peel solution to penetrate more deeply and evenly. If your skin won’t tolerate Retin-A pre-treatment, other exfoliating creams may be used instead. Hydroquinone, a melanin suppressant (melanin produces the brown pigment in the skin), is sometimes used in conjunction with Retin-A or exfoliating pre-treatment, especially if you have blotchy skin areas or pigmentation problems. You may have to spend a month or more in the pre-treatment phase before you schedule your actual chemical peel procedure.

During The Chemical Face Peel Procedure

ALPHAHYDROXY ACIDS (AHAs), such as glycolic, lactic, or fruit acids are the mildest of the peel formulas and produce light peels. These types of chemical peels can provide smoother, brighter-looking skin for people who can’t spare the time to recover from a phenol or TCA peel. AHA peels may be used to treat fine wrinkling, areas of dryness, uneven pigmentation and acne. Prior to the chemical peel procedure, your surgeon will analyse your skin to determine which of the following AHA-based chemical peels are right for you.

PCA Peel This special blend of naturally occurring AHA’s (fruit acids) work in your skin for 5-7 days helping to lift out hyper pigmentation (brown spots) caused by hormones or sun damage. It also reduces surface lines and improves the overall texture and clarity of your skin. The results of this chemical peel procedure shows lighter, tighter and brighter skin. The PCA Peel is wonderfully effective in inhibiting active acne.

Esthetiques Peel Advanced formula of L-asorbic, L-lactic, L-retinol smoothes, tightens and improves skin texture and clarity. The Esthetique Peel is loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and humectants and hence this chemical peel procedure results in fresh, hydrated, healthy skin.

Purifying Peel This chemical peel is perfect for oily impure skin. It effectively kills bacteria, reduces breakouts and balances oil production. Our purifying peel also promotes healing and reduces hyper-pigmentation caused by sun damage or old breakouts.

Sensi Peel This chemical peel procedure is formulated primarily for sensitive skin conditions, gently yet effectively works deep within the skin helping to lighten hyper pigmentation (brown spots) exfoliates dead dull skin resulting in smoother, fresher more resilient looking skin.

TRICHLOROACETIC ACID (TCA) can be used in many concentrations, but it is most commonly used for medium-depth peels. Fine surface wrinkles, superficial blemishes and pigment problems are commonly treated with TCA. With a TCA peel, your healed skin will be able to produce pigment as always; the peel will not bleach the skin. However, the patients undergoing the TCA chemical peel procedure are advised to avoid sun exposure for several months after treatment to protect the newly formed layers of skin. Even though TCA is milder than phenol, it may also produce some unintended colour changes in the skin and may require pre treatment and post treatment with Retin-A or AHA creams. The duration of this entire chemical peel procedure depends upon the number of TCA peels. A full-face TCA peel usually takes no more than fifteen minutes. Two or more TCA peels may be needed to obtain the desired result, and those may be spaced out over several months. Mild TCA peels may be repeated as often as every month. Your surgeon will determine when a TCA peel is appropriate.

Obagi Blue Peel After years of development and testing, Obagi has created an innovative professionally-administered chemical peel. The Obagi Blue Peel, if repeated over a period of time, can achieve the same result as a deeper chemical peel or a laser. Healing occurs usually in just seven to ten days, or shorter, depending on the mode of application.
The Obagi Blue Peel represents a significant breakthrough in skin rejuvenation. Unlike other AHA-based peels, the Obagi Blue Peel uses slow-acting TCA, instead of glycolic acid, to enable the professional to control the peel process and its depth. This chemical peel procedure is tailored to the nature of the problem to be corrected: wrinkles, scars, laxity or pigmentation problems.

After The Chemical Face Peel Procedure

AHA Peel: After an AHA peel, it is common to experience some temporary flaking or scaling, redness and dryness of the skin. However, these conditions will disappear as the skin adjusts to treatment and will not prevent you from working or engaging in your normal activities. A fresher and improved skin texture will result with continued AHA treatments. Remember, protecting your skin from the sun is also important following these mild acid peels. Use a recommended sunblock with adequate UVA and UVB protection every day.
Improvements from AHA peels may be very subtle at first. You may detect a healthier glow to your skin. With continued treatment with this chemical peel procedure, you will notice a general improvement in the texture of your skin.

TCA Peel: A TCA peel may cause significant swelling, depending on the strength of the peel used. In about a week to ten days, your new skin will be apparent and you should be healed sufficiently to return to your normal activities. It is best to avoid sun exposure after this chemical peel procedure unless you are adequately protected.
The results of a TCA peel are usually not as long-lasting as those of a deep laser resurfacing. However, your skin will be noticeably smoother and fresher looking.

Chemical peel procedures at our clinic in Dubai will help you get rid of any facial blemishes, acne, wrinkles, uneven skin pigmentation and improve the texture of the facial skin. To know more about the various chemical peel options available, contact our dermatologists at SHAMMA Clinic in Jumeirah, Dubai

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