7 must know things about Varicose Veins

- By being active you can avoid having varicose veins. Jogging, cycling is a good form of exercise for patients that suffer from spider or varicose veins. When the calf muscle is continuously pumping blood out of the veins is prevents the pressure that may cause or lead to varicose or spider veins.
- Individuals who are genetically prone to get spider and varicose veins can protect their legs by wearing compression hose. This, along with exercising regularly will give a synergistic effect that will aid in maintaining healthy veins.
- Diets have not been directly associated with spider and varicose veins, but if your daily diet consists of natural antioxidants it will help maintain a good cellular health which in return can affect the reliability of our tissues.
- Maintaining a healthy weight will take the extra pressure of the legs and therefore the veins located in the leg will be healthier.
- There are key signs and symptoms of vein disease that you should watch for: leg pain or discomfort, swollen legs or ankles, tired or heavy legs, discoloration and scarring of skin on legs and restless legs or night cramps.
- The top three causes of varicose veins are family history, being a female (due to the hormonal effects of progesterone) and leading a sedentary lifestyle; in that order.
- If you suffer from varicose veins, there are minimally invasive treatments available that require little or no down time. Sclerotherapy treatment will help eradicate the veins if they cause cosmetic concerns.
For more information about non-invasive treatment for Varicose Veins, please contact A.R. Shamma Medical Center at 04 349 8800.