10 Facts about LASER hair removal

LASER hair removal is a safe and effective way to permanently remove unwanted hair from the body. It is not for everyone, however, and there are some things you should know before getting started.
1. LASER hair removal only works on pigmented hair. If you have blonde or white hair than LASER hair removal will not work for you.
2. The darker the skin the greater the risk. This is because LASER hair removal targets the pigment and not the actual hair, so dark skin is more likely to absorb the energy from the LASER.
3. Always plant ahead. Ask the expert about how many sessions you need and the efficiency of the treatment and what LASER machine best suits your skin colour.
4. LASER hair removal should never be done if you have a tan.
5. In some women LASER hair removal may cause extra hairs to grow so it’s critical that it should be under the supervision of an expert and a dermatologist.
6. You need to have your hair grow a minimum of 2 weeks before starting any LASER hair removal sessions.
7. Prices of LASER hair removal vary and this is accordance to the quality of the center and the specialist who is under the supervision of the Dermatologist.
8. Since LASER hair removal takes several months to get the full desired results you must plan your sessions ahead.
9. Be sure that the person doing your LASER hair removal is coming from a reputed brand name and preferably a specialized medical center.
10. The LASER hair removal actually explodes the hair follicles when it targets them so the treatment will hurt a little.